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ESG GPS™ Ratings

ESG GPS Ratings - Navigating Sustainability Excellence with Precision for Listed Companies. The Risk Insights team boasts an unparalleled 100 years of collective experience and expertise in financial markets, risk management, and data science. At the forefront of our offerings is the continent's pioneering Machine Learning and AI ESG sustainability rating tool - ESG GPS. ESG GPS has diligently assessed and RATED EVERY COMPANY LISTED ON ALL MAIN AFRICA EXCHANGES, including  the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX), Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE), Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE), and The Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM).

Key Features and Benefits.

Unparalleled details and Glocalization: ESG GPS stands out with its exceptional features, including sector-specific materiality factors, peer group comparisons, consideration of country regulations, and ratings covering the entire stock exchange spectrum - from mid-sized to large corporations. It offers independent ratings based on both mandatory and voluntary disclosures, incorporating a contextual analysis that delves into stakeholder perceptions derived from news feeds.

Wide-reaching Relevance: ESG GPS ratings hold immense value for a diverse spectrum of stakeholders, including asset owners, impact investors, debt holders, capital markets, proxy advisors, rating agencies, shareholders, exchange-traded funds, and the ever-influential millennial demographic.

Reporting: ESG GPS provides a range of reporting options, including Classic reports, Comprehensive reports, Disclosure scores, News feed lists, Rating watch alerts, and Sector-specific information. This versatility ensures that stakeholders have access to the precise insights they need to make informed decisions.

Global Best Practices: ESG GPS is framework agnostic, built upon a foundation of over 200 distinct global ESG best practice frameworks, expertly tailored to align with the unique laws and regulations of specific countries. This tailored approach facilitates the avoidance of "negative screening" for domestic companies, offering a more holistic view of their sustainability efforts.

In essence, ESG GPs is a beacon of ESG assessment excellence, providing an indispensable tool for stakeholders in the pursuit of a more responsible and sustainable financial landscape.


X-Ray - Introducing X-Ray, the industry-leading platform for comprehensive analysis of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. Featuring a database comprising over 350 ESG FACTORS PER LISTED COMPANY PER YEAR (FOR A NUMEBR OF YEARS) FOR ALL COMPANIES LISTED AT MAJOR AFRICA EXCHANGES, X-Ray stands as your all-in-one solution for obtaining profound insights into the sustainability performance of publicly traded companies.

Key Features and Benefits.

Robust ESG Database: X-Ray provides a comprehensive platform with an intuitive dashboard, delivering a thorough examination of sector-specific and country-specific ESG factors and policies as disclosed by publicly listed companies. Our platform adeptly integrates and structures vast quantities of ESG-related data, sourced from various public outlets, into a unified database. This guarantees that you receive the most current and precise information available.

User-Friendly Dashboard: X-Ray's user-friendly dashboard is designed for a visually engaging experience, simplifying the exploration of ESG metrics and policies for investors, analysts, and stakeholders. The platform's intuitive interface ensures that critical ESG trends and patterns within any sector or country can be swiftly identified through interactive charts and graphs.

Accolades and Recognitions: X-Ray has been honored as the ESG Data provider of the Year for Africa by Environmental Finance, underscoring our commitment to delivering unparalleled ESG insights. This recognition signifies our dedication to setting industry standards in ESG data provision.

Empowerment through Knowledge: X-Ray is you gateway to empowerment, whether you are a conscientious investor seeking to make informed decisions, an analyst meticulously tracking ESG performance, or stakeholder keenly intrested in a company's sustainability journey. With X-Ray, you gain access to the knowledge you need to navigate the complex world of ESG.


A-Cubed To rate ESG readiness in unlisted companies

Presenting A-Cubed, a groundbreaking AI-driven solution meticulously crafted to assess the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) readiness RATING of PRIVATE COMPANIES, unlisted subsidiaries, and supply chains. With its foundation in cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technology, A-Cubed empowers organizations to take charge of their sustainable future. This versatile tool serves multiple purposes while delivering ESG ratings for private companies and being backbone for efficient ESG supply chain management, comprehensive ESG client portfolio management, and streamlined ESG consolidated reporting for subsidiaries.

Key Features and Benefits.

Self-Evaluation for Private Companies: A-Cubed is ingeniously designed to enable private companies to assess their ESG performance swiftly and with ease. Within just 48 hours, this tool provides a comprehensive ESG readiness assessment, making the entire process accessible and efficient.

Efficient ESG 3rd counter-party management: For efficient 3rd party ESG management A-Cubed offers a seamless ESG assessment process. In just 48 hours, you receive a comprehensive ESG readiness assessment for any unlisted 3rd counter party.

AI-Driven ESG Evaluation: A-Cubed's AI-driven algorithms draw from a wide range of ESG criteria, meticulously evaluating performance across critical domains including climate change, human rights, labor standards, diversity, and inclusion. It measures your ESG performance against industry standards and benchmarks, offering valuable insights into your dedication to sustainability.

Empowering Sustainability: A-Cubed stands apart in its capacity to empower organizations to become champions of sustainability and responsible business practices. By placing the tools for ESG readiness assessment firmly in the hands of private companies, A-Cubed proactively shapes a more sustainable future. 

Rapid ESG Data Management: This innovative tool ensures that ESG-related data is efficiently gathered, validated, and scored within a mere 48 hours. This empowers organizations to make informed decisions swiftly and drive positive change.


VISION - Introducing Vision Dashboard, the pioneering platform that is poised to redefine the way we evaluate companies within specific industries allowing for ESG INTENSITY CALCULATIONS. This visionary tool is set to revolutionize industry analysis and investment decisions by delivering invaluable ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) insights, arming users with the knowledge needed to make informed choices that align seamlessly with their core values.

Key Features and Benefits.

Comprehensive ESG Evaluation: The Vision Dashboard stands out by meticulously assessing companies using an extensive array of ESG metrics. These metrics span crucial aspects such as water usage, carbon emissions, diversity, and community engagement. The tool's comprehensive approach ensures that users gain a holistic understanding of a company's ESG performance.

Customizable ESG Focus: What sets Vision Dashboard apart is its dynamic nature. It allows users to tailor the intensity calculations, focusing on their preferred ESG criteria. For instance, users can customize the water intensity metric, which evaluates a company's environmental impact by examining water usage per unit of output or revenue. This level of customization empowers users to concentrate on the ESG factors most meaningful to them.

Sector-Wide Rankings: Vision Dashboard doesn't stop at individual company assessments. It provides sector-wide rankings based on ESG scores, enabling users to make informed comparisons among companies within their respective industries. This feature is invaluable for investors seeking to understand how companies stack up in their sector.

Flexibility for Unique Goals: The real strength of Vision Dashboard lies in its adaptability. It enables users to tailor their approach, aligning their assessments with their unique goals and values. In a world where responsible investing and sustainability are increasingly vital, this innovative tool transcends conventional industry analysis.

Empowering Responsible Choices: Vision Dashboard empowers users to allocate resources wisely and make investments that are in harmony with their ESG principles. It is more than just a dashboard; it's a visionary tool that reshapes the way we approach investment and industry analysis.

In today's landscape of responsible investing and sustainability, Vision Dashboard becomes an indispensable resource. It equips users with ESG-driven insights, enabling them to navigate industries, make well-informed choices, and contribute to positive change within the realm of responsible investment.


KaleidoScope - KaleidoScope, the groundbreaking software, is poised to redefine how investors, analysts, and stakeholders evaluate the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosure and performance of listed companies. As the world's first advanced tool of its kind, KaleidoScope introduces a comprehensive dashboard that offers SWOT ANALYSES OF ESG FACTORS, unlocking unparalleled insights into company disclosures and performance.

Key Features and Benefits.

Comprehensive ESG Dashboard: KaleidoScope provides an all-encompassing ESG dashboard, delivering a unique perspective on company disclosures and performance. It allows users to access SWOT analyses for ESG, offering a comprehensive understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with a company's ESG performance.

User-Friendly Interface: This essential tool boasts a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of comparing the ESG performance of multiple companies at a glance. Whether you're interested in companies within the same sector or the top 5 companies with the highest Market Cap, KaleidoScope empowers you to make quick and informed comparisons.

Reference to Over 350 ESG Factors: KaleidoScope references a vast array of over 350 ESG factors, enabling users to evaluate a company's performance relative to its peers comprehensively. This deep data pool offers insights into the holistic ESG landscape.

Game-Changer for Informed Investment Decisions: KaleidoScope is more than just a tool; it's a game-changer for anyone seeking to make investment decisions based on ESG criteria. It equips users with in-depth insights, enabling them to navigate the world of investments with confidence.

Detailed ESG Disclosures: This cutting-edge software provides a detailed breakdown of ESG disclosures, offering a comprehensive dive into how each company measures up against its competitors. The insights offered by KaleidoScope are indispensable for informed decision-making.

By incorporating the insights and capabilities of KaleidoScope into you decision-making process, you gain a competitive edge when navigating the world of investments. You'll approach investment decisions with confidence, armed with a deep understanding of ESG disclosure and performance in the corporate landscape. KaleidoScope is your window to the future of informed ESG-based investing.

Rating Watch

Rating Watch - Introducing Rating Watch, the cutting-edge tool that leverages real-time news feeds to measure and analyze the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) SENTIMENT OF LISTED COMPANIES. This intelligent BOT operates seamlessly, continuously collecting and analyzing the latest sentiment data, thereby enabling precise assessments of companies' ESG performance and reputation.

Key Features and Benefits.

Real-Time ESG Sentiment Analysis: Rating Watch capitalizes on real-time news feeds, ensuring that assessments of companies' ESG performance and reputation are based on the most current and relevant information available. This approach provides a dynamic, up-to-the-minute view of a company's ESG standing.

Continuous Data Gathering: The intelligent BOT operates continuously, making it a tireless data collector. It gathers the latest sentiment data, ensuring that users have access to a wealth of information to facilitate precise ESG assessments.

Unprecedented Precision: Rating Watch's use of real-time news feeds and continuous data collection results in precise assessments. The tool allows for a granular examination of a company's ESG sentiment, offering valuable insights that can guide investment and decision-making.

In a world where ESG considerations are increasingly vital for investors and stakeholders, Rating Watch stands out as an invaluable resource for staying informed about the ever-evolving landscape of ESG performance and reputation. It empowers users to make data-driven decisions in real-time, enhancing their ability to navigate the complexities of the ESG arena. Rating Watch is not just a tool; it's a catalyst for precision and informed decision-making in the world of ESG analysis.

ESG GPS SCM - Supply Chain Management

ESG GPS SCM - Environmental, Social, and Governance Guided Supply Chain Management, is a game-changing, AI-driven tool exclusively designed to navigate the way organizations MANAGE THEIR ESG RISKS AND REPORTING IN SUPPLY CHAINS. With cutting-edge technology at its core, ESG GPS SCM empowers businesses to take control of their sustainable future, ensuring they remain on course for responsible and environmentally conscious operations.

Key Features and Benefits.

Guided ESG Supply Chain Management focuses on providing comprehensive ESG assessments for supply chains. AI-driven algorithms meticulously evaluate the supply chain's performance across critical ESG domains, including climate change, human rights, labor standards, and diversity and inclusion. This in-depth analysis allows your organization to navigate the ESG landscape effectively and make data-driven decisions.

Rapid ESG Assessment: ESG GPS SCM enables them to efficiently assess their supply chain ESG risks and performance. In just 48 hours, our cutting-edge technology delivers a thorough ESG assessment for the supply chain. This swift turnaround empowers organizations to make informed decisions swiftly and enhance their ESG performance.

Streamlined ESG Data Management: ESG GPS SCM simplifies the process of gathering, validating, and scoring ESG-related data for the supply chain. Our innovative platform ensures that ESG data is efficiently managed, assisting organizations to maintain a comprehensive overview of their ESG performance and compliance.

Benchmarking vs Industry Standards: ESG GPS SCM measures the supply chain's ESG performance against industry benchmarks and standards, providing valuable insights into your commitment to sustainability. This feature enables you to navigate the ESG landscape effectively, positioning your organization as a leader in responsible business practices.

ESG Consolidated Reporting: ESG GPS SCM makes consolidating ESG reports from suppliers easy. By integrating data from across the supply chain, you can effortlessly generate comprehensive ESG reports that reflect your commitment to sustainability.

ESG GPS SOE – State Owned Enterprise

ESG GPS SOE is an innovative, AI-powered tool meticulously engineered to serve as the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) GPS for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and their subsidiaries. Its cutting-edge technology empowers governments and state entities to navigate the path toward sustainable governance with precision and clarity. ESG GPS SOE is tailored to cater exclusively to the unique needs of state-owned enterprises and provides a comprehensive solution for ESG readiness and responsible governance.

Key Features and Benefits.

Guided ESG Assessment for SOEs: ESG GPS SOE utilizes advanced AI algorithms to provide a guided evaluation of SOEs across critical ESG criteria, including climate change, human rights, labor standards, and diversity and inclusion. It enables governments and SOEs to assess their ESG performance against best practices and standards.

Effortless ESG Governance: ESG GPS SOE simplifies the ESG readiness assessment process, encouraging state-owned enterprises to take a proactive approach to responsible governance. It offers an accessible platform for self-assessment, fostering a culture of sustainability within SOEs.

Unified Reporting for SOE Subsidiaries: ESG GPS SOE streamlines the consolidation of ESG reports from SOE subsidiaries, promoting a unified approach to sustainability and governance.

Swift Data Validation: ESG GPS SOE excels in efficient ESG data collection, validation, and scoring, providing governments and SOEs with the insights needed to make informed decisions and drive positive change in a timely manner.

Benchmarking Against Global Standards: ESG GPS SOE offers a comparative analysis of SOEs' ESG performance against global standards considering local specifics, allowing them to understand their position in the landscape of responsible business practices.

With ESG GPS-SOE, state-owned enterprises can confidently navigate the path to sustainability, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to ESG principles, and fostering transparency and accountability within their operations.

ESG GPS PM - Portfolio Management

ESG GPS PM, or Environmental, Social, and Governance Global Portfolio Management, is an innovative product designed to revolutionize ESG portfolio management. This AI-powered tool empowers organizations to take control of ESG risks and opportunities within their credit and investment portfolios.

Key Features and Benefits.

ESG Portfolio Ratings: ESG GPS PM offers comprehensive ESG ratings for clients' portfolios, focusing on sustainable Alpha. Advanced AI-driven algorithms evaluate performance across crucial domains, including climate change, human rights, labor standards, diversity, and inclusion. By comparing your portfolio's ESG performance against industry standards and country specifics, you gain valuable insights into your commitment to sustainability.

Efficiency of Analysis: ESG GPS PM seamlessly integrates ESG management into your portfolio strategy, evaluating your portfolio's ESG within 48 hours, helping you make informed decisions.

Consolidated ESG Reporting: Simplify the complexity of ESG reporting for your portfolio. It allows you to gather, validate, and score ESG-related data effortlessly.


ESG GPS Reporting - ESG GPS R. Your ultimate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting tool is designed to provide you with in-depth, data-driven INSIGHTS INTO THE ESG PERFORMANCE OF YOUR SUBSIDARIES to make the process of consolidation and reporting easy and efficient.

Key Features and Benefits.

Real-time Data Analysis: fast access to the subsidiaries’ ESG performance.

Materiality Factor Prioritization: ESG GPS R allows you to set key reporting factors and parameters.

Sustainability Outlook: Get a 360-degree view of a company's sustainability performance via access to ESG data of subsidiaries instantly.

Consolidate and report effortlessly using a user-friendly interface.

Strategic alignment: ensure policy alignment and data monitoring of subsidiaries.

Risk Insights Research Reports

At Risk Insights, we are at the forefront of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) analysis, empowering leaders across industries with strategic, data-driven insights. We utilize cutting-edge technology and a rich database to gather and analyze vast amounts of information, enabling us to craft ESG research reports that guide critical decision-making processes. Each of our ESG research reports is a product of rigorous research, utilizing the latest in data science to ensure relevance and reliability. To learn more about our Research Reports click here, or contact us at Together, let's navigate the ESG landscape and build a sustainable future for Africa and beyond.